Fed up with FaceTime? Looking for some great alternatives to Facetime for iOS? Well, my friend, you've come to the right place. You may be a die-hard iOS addict or newcomer but either way, you don't need to put up with FaceTime as your only means of video calling on your iOS device. Here is a collection of ten alternatives for you to happily video call your friends and family across the globe. Most of these are essential for anyone who travels a lot for work, or pleasure (lucky you) but these are mission critical if you have long distance relationships!  |
 Tech media has been having an exciting time lately with Amazon and Google trying out drone deliveries. While these projects are ambitious and currently in very rudimentary stages, Yelp and a San Francisco-based startup, Marble, have partnered to execute food delivery with robots which will roll on the sidewalks of the city. It's less futuristic, but is live today. These bots have been spotted on San Francisco roads since earlier in April. [Image Source: Marble] Delivering food with robots More specifically, Yelp's Eat24 food delivery platform has teamed up with Marble to run a pilot project for delivery of food within San Francisco using these rolling robots.  |
 Don't forget the fabric softener and an extra dash of paprika! An Israeli design student Iftach Gazit's new concept combines cooking and cleaning your clothes. Gazit might be revolutionizing the culinary game with his washing machine cooking while also reducing his energy usage. [Image Source: Gray Design] Gazit created steam-bag meals you simply toss in with your laundry. The dinners range from prepackaged foods like steak and herbs to fresh salmon. The waterproof Tyvek bags even come with clothing labels. Washing Machine Cuisine The designer said he found inspiration from the sous-vide method of cooking.  |
 Sometimes work just seems to drag on and you find yourself with nothing to do but "look busy." Instead of just sitting there accomplishing nothing, why not try to build something out of supplies you can find around the office? Here are 10 awesome gadgets you can build with spare office supplies – just don't let your boss see! [Image Source: Russell Yarwood via Flickr] Desktop Catapult [Image Source: bo'meara via Instructables] To help you in all of that cubicle warfare you're surely engaged in, make sure to ramp up your desk with this simple little catapult.  |
 Think outside of the bottle! Those are the words of wisdom from a London-based innovative start-up called Skipping Rocks Lab, a group of researchers and business developers whose aim is to make product packaging obsolete. Their solution to the unsustainable production and disposal of plastic bottles is to make an edible water bottle you can safely eat and drink. It's called Ooho! [Image Source: oohowater via Instagram] What exactly is Ooho? Ooho is an edible membrane, made from 100% seaweed and plant, that can encapsulate water, soft drinks, spirits, and even cosmetics.  |
 Tesla fans have wondered if the innovative company would ever venture past the classic sedan. Zealous Tesla supporters now have confirmation from the mouth of Elon Musk himself. Musk announced via Twitter that a pickup truck would join the Tesla family. @NoahMagel Pickup truck unveil in 18 to 24 months — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 13, 2017 The Tesla pickup was first noted during a 2016 post found on the Tesla website. In his "Master Plan, Part Deux," Musk called the project "a new kind of pickup truck." This was, for all intents and purposes, the final fulfillment of Musk's phase two.  |
 Historically speaking, the lost city of Petra, in the Arabic country of Jordan, is one of the most enigmatic civilizations that have ever existed. With their successful and prolific business trading spices and silks with China, India, Rome and Egypt, the people of ancient Petra, the Nabateans, have managed to endow their city with extravagant structures and infrastructures. The lost city of Petra has been the centerpiece of legends and fictional stories since its re-discovery in 1812 by the Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt. The incredible fact about Petra's structures is that they were not constructed, but were carved out of giant sandstone canyons surrounding the lost city.  |
 Shoelaces that constantly come untied is one of the most annoying things about footwear. The phenomenon has puzzled many after constantly having to bend over and tie their shoes. "How could a knot that I haven't touched come untied?" we have asked. Thanks to a team of mechanical engineering researchers, we finally have an answer. [Image Source: Pixabay] Why do shoelaces come untied? It seems that the constant stomping and movement of feet as we walk slowly loosens the shoe knot. When repeated over and over again, the shoelaces gradually work themselves free and become untied, according to Engineering.com.  |
 NASA researchers have just announced that they've found possible life-sustaining conditions on two lunar bodies within our solar system. Saturn's moon Enceladus has hydrogen coming from the plume of its sea floor, enough so to make NASA scientists look into the possibility of microbes living on Enceladus. Jupiter's moon Europa is giving evidence of similar traits. [Image Source: NASA TV] The research is the closest NASA researchers have ever come to determining whether the ocean worlds within our solar system can sustain life outside of Earth's oceans. "This is the closest we've come, so far, to identifying a place with some of the ingredients needed for a habitable environment," said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate at Headquarters in Washington.  |
 To all the 90s kids out there, hands up who used to have a Tamagotchi when they were young. If you owned one then good for you! Part of your childhood was probably wonderful. For those who didn't own one, including me, we can make up for our lost childhood fun with Bandai's re-release of the legendary toy in its six original colors. [Image Source: Bandai via YouTube] The original Tamagotchi Tamagotchi literally translates to 'egg' from the Japanese word tamago. This pocket size virtual pet toy made big waves with the kids back in 1996 when it first came out in Japan, and a year later to the whole world.  |
 NASA will soon announce new findings based on its research into ocean worlds in our solar system. Ocean Worlds The compound that sustains life on Earth isn't unique to this planet. That understanding has caused countless scholars to explore finding water in various states on other planets — furthering the possibility of water-needing life elsewhere. Our solar system has several ocean worlds, as well. Saturn has an ice-covered moon Enceladus. Jupiter's Europa also has a thick, icy shell. At the heart of the announcement seems to be the Cassini spacecraft. The spacecraft will end its 20-year mission documenting Saturn's orbital plane in September.  |
 With the invention of the PneuChair (Pneumatic Wheelchair), water park lovers with disabilities can now enjoy the full hydro-themed experience at Morgan's Wonderland in San Antonio, Texas. [Image Source: Morgan's Wonderland] The revolutionary, waterproof wheelchair was designed and constructed by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Human Engineering Research Laboratories (HERL). The pneumatic wheelchair The prototype for the pneumatic wheelchair was already being developed by HERL, together with the US Department of Veterans Affairs and UPMC, when representatives from The Gordon Hartman Family Foundation approached the team of researchers to ask for help in developing powered mobility for the new Morgan's Waterpark it is overseeing.  |
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