AirPrint Hacktivator Enabled iOS Air Print Service  We are still unclear exactly how Apple will launch AirPrint in iOS 4.2. At the moment, the last we heard was that shared printers are now not supported and the only way to print from the iPad, iPhone or iPod touch is to print to one of five compatible wireless HP printers. If this continues to be the case then you might want to test out AirPrintHacktivator that manages to re-enable the service. To get it to work you'll need a Mac along with the latest Max OS X 10.6.5 as well as iOS 4.2 GM of course. If you have these then download the application and click the Hacktivate button. Once done, you should be able to print from iPad to a printer connected to the Mac.  |
Palm Pre 2 Not Wanted by UK Carriers  According to Pocket-Lint, all of the major carries in the UK have declined the Palm Pre 2 from arriving on their networks. This doesn't mean that the Palm Pre 2 wont be available as you can still get the unlocked SIM free version, but right now it seems that the Pre 2 will not launch with any subsidised deals here in the UK. If this continues to be the case then HP/Palm will have a hard time breaking back in to the UK market. Lets hope at this point in time its just the Pre 2 and not the plethora of other devices they are rumoured to be launching in the next few months such as tablets and other smartphones. webOS from what we have used and seen is a great OS. Its just a shame that the new handset is being rejected for now in the UK.  |
Pulse Phone iPhone App Measures Heart Rate with Camera  The Pulse iPhone app was originally submitted to Apple [AAPL] about a year ago although at the time, it was rejected due to using a unique way of accessing the camera on the iPhone 4. Now that Apple has made its guidelines public and in some cases, has relaxed a few rules, the company behind the Pulse app have now resubmitted and had the application approved for launch. The Pulse Phone app uses the camera and the flash to scan an image of your finger. When blood is pulsing away through your body the camera is able to see the subtle changes in colour as the blood passes through your finger. The flash is used to light up your finger although this can be used on the 3GS and 3G if you use the app under a bright light. Its certainly unique and different to how other apps detect your pulse rate. From what Oh Gizmo have found in their tests, it seems that the app is extremely accurate.  |
AOL Project Phoenix Webmail Service in Beta  AOL is launching a new web client for its email service. AOL indicate that 45% of its traffic is to the email services it provides. This new information arrived just a day before Facebook is expected to launch the Facebook email service (which is now today). The AOL service is being called Project Phoenix for now and as its in beta, it is only available to a select few users who are testing the service. If the beta is successful then the launch will go ahead sometime in 2011 for a full rollout to all AOL users. From what we have read, the new Project Phoenix webmail service is a little bit similar to the GMail service that Google offers. A few extra features have been added in such as a a twitter like sidebar for sending quick messages along with the ability to preview content of email. The new platform is expected to support several AOL based email domains such as,,, and Messages from Yahoo!, Hotmail and GMail will also be merged in if the user wants that. Invites are available and can be requested from here although we don't know how long the waiting list and how AOL are picking names from that waiting list.  |
New iOS 4.2 GM Released Over the Weekend  Towards the end of last week, it was revealed that the rumoured iOS 4.2 release date (of last Friday) was being pushed further away a little due to problems identified in the iOS 4.2 GM release. The problems were with WiFi and loading up webpages over WiFi for some users. The new iOS 4.2 GM release is expected to fix these issue and if successful, the final version will be released to public shortly after. One important thing to remember here is that Apple [AAPL] has only said that iOS 4.2 was being launched in November with no specific dates mentioned. As long as it lands by November 30 it will still technically be on-time. The good side of all this is that they have identified a bug and will be fixing it before its made public. If you have access, have you run in to any WiFi problems with the iPad on 4.2 GM? I personally have not, so it seems to be causing problems for some users and not others.  |
Pictures Captured by Google Nexus S Spotted  Last week, details of the Google Nexus S were spotted. After a bit of rummaging around, one user managed to find three photos captured by a Google Nexus S. The images were found in a Google Picasa album and were dated as being captured on November 5th and 6th. When opening up each of the (non exciting) images the details reveal that the images were indeed captured by a Nexus S smartphone. Geo tagging information hasn't been uploaded for the pictures so its impossible to know where the images were captured. What we assume is that the photos were captured in one of Google's locations. What we expect is that the Google Nexus S is actually the GT-i9020. Theres also been some information about the Samsung Galaxy 2 launching along with Gingerbread installed. Either way, it seems that Samsung and Google are working on a few things together.  |
iPhone 3G and 2G Get Dual-Boot Config  RedmondPie has created a step by step "how to" guide on installing Android 2.2.1 on to the iPhone 3G and 2G. The guide allows for both iOS and Android 2.2.1 to run side by side on the device allowing you to easily swap and change between either OS when needed. To make this happen you'll need a jailbroken iPhone 3G or 2G and will then need to download Bootlace found in Cydia. Once done, the steps can be found in the video embedded on RedmondPie found here. Let us know how it goes. One important thing to point out is that you need to follow the instructions to the letter as doing some of the instructions incorrectly could potentially brick your phone.  |
Android 2.3 Gingerbread Still Baking  On November 12, GoogleMobile sent out a tweet hinting that Android 2.3 AKA Gingerbread was coming soon. The tweet said, "Our cafes are baking something sweet" and then provided a URL to the image above. Android 2.3 was expected in a few days time (last week we are talking about hear) and was specifically rumoured to be arriving on the Nexus One. However, this hasn't happened yet. To further confuse things though, we hear this morning that Samsung could in fact be building a handset now that will be the first device to get Android 2.3. This originally was believed to be the Nexus S but is now believed to be the Samsung Galaxy 2. Either way, Gingerbread is preparing for launch but at this point we don't know if its days, weeks or even a few months away from official launch at the moment.  |
Dell Streak Android 2.2 Update Arriving November  Those of you in the UK with a Dell Streak will be glad to know that Dell has announced an OTA update for the device that will finally bring Android 2.2 to the tablet. The update has been given an end of November release date. The following has been said about the update... "DellStreak will begin a rollout of the 2.2 update OTA before the end of Nov. This is happening over a period of time and staggered by region, starting in the UK.You will receive notification of the update directly on your Streak. If you don't see it before the end of Nov, please be patient as your build may be happening at a later stage." As the update is OTA, it requires no computer although something important to note is that it will wipe the device before installing Android 2.2, so make sure you have a backup of all your files before proceeding. Expect a notification to arrive on your Streak within the next few weeks.  |
Windows Phone 7 Jailbreak Coming Soon  Windows Phone 7 was only just launched within the last few weeks. We now hear that a jailbreak is being prepared for the device and that it should be coming soon. Jailbreakers of Windows Phone 7 have already managed to get root access to the new operating system and have also managed to install apps and gain access to the file system. Right now it appears that they will just polish up the code a little in preparation for launch. No WP7 jailbreak release dates are known just yet although as soon as we find out, we'll let you know. Whats also interesting to point out is that at this time we don't know if it will be handset specific, or if the jailbreak will blanket cover all WP7 devices with a single jailbreak. All these small details will be announced shortly.  |
Path for iPhone Launches  Path is an app for the iPhone that has just launched. What the new application does is lets you share your life with close friends and family. To do this you use the camera on your iPhone to capture events as they happen. You can then have up to 50 friends added to the application who will get to see your pictures taken. You have the ability to tag images and moments as you encounter them. The app lets you know when your friends have seen the pictures. As well as being able to share and be notified of who has viewed what on your account, Path also has a map section that allows you to explore places where friends have visited that they have shared with you. A rundown of the features can be found below... Features: • Capture life's moments with your iPhone camera. • Share your life with 50 close friends and family. • Tag your moments with people, places, and things. • Know when your close friends have seen your moments. • Explore your friends' moments on a map.  |
Ping Arrives on the iPad  Over the weekend, Apple [AAPL] introduced Ping to the iPad. Ping can be found in the iPad iTunes application and is positioned on the bottom menu bar around the middle (as pictured above). The service matches that of iTunes on the desktop and is capable of connecting up to Twitter to push out tweets. It also includes your own feed of who you follow and who follows you. It lets you view your profile also. Another feature is that it brings the ability to connect your iPad up to to purchase event tickets. The service lets you know whats going on nearby and lets you then purchase via the iPad the tickets that you want.  |
Hybrid Batteries Last Twice as Long, Charge in Seconds  Some new batteries have been created by a company called ioxus that are capable of running a gadget for twice as long as a regular battery on a single charge. To add to that, the batteries have a charge time of just 90 seconds allowing you to easily charge them minutes before you need to go out somewhere. If you charge the batteries for 20 seconds you get a partial charge when compared to the full 90 seconds. It is expected that when launched, these particular batteries could power household gadgets such as kids toys, drills and other items around the house that use smaller types of batteries. There is a trade-off though as the batteries last around 20,000 cycles which is a lot less than the "millions" of cycles possible with rechargeable batteries. But, with this being a different step in how batteries work, we are confident the company will up the number of cycles over the coming years. More details over at DVICE.  |
Verizon "Excited" for Windows Phone 7 Launch  Verizon [VZ] has yet to get any Windows Phone 7 handsets to put on sale. One Twitter user decided to ask when they (Verizon), were getting Windows Phone 7 devices. A reply came back from the VerizonWireless twitter account saying "As soon as Microsoft has 'em ready, we're excited to offer Windows 7 mobile devices". Originally it was thought that Verizon had no interest in Windows Phone 7 as a platform although now it seems that have softened up to the idea and actually want to sell smartphones running that operating system. The tweet didn't make mention of of when we will see them, but we get the impression that it could be sooner rather than later now that Verizon is on-board with the whole thing. Microsoft is believed at this point to be working on getting the CDMA versions of the OS ready.  |
Dual-Core Samsung Galaxy 2 Hinted Posted: 15 Nov 2010 03:00 AM PST @eldarmurtazin is a fairly reliable source when it comes to new smartphones. One of the latest tweets he send out mentioned that he had the chance to look at both the Sony Ericsson Anzo and a Samsung Galaxy 2 smartphone. The Sony Ericsson Anzo was said to be "nice" but he then went on to say that the Galaxy 2 was technically advanced and hinted at it being a dual-core device. The Samsung Galaxy 2 is also known as the i9100. The screen is said to be improved over the original Super AMOLED on the Galaxy S. We also hear that this particular smartphone could arrive in the first quarter of 2011. At this point, it seems like Android 2.3 could be running on the device and that Google [GOOG] have chosen Samsung to be the lead device on the roll out of Android 2.3 which is expected any time soon. Perhaps we might see the Galaxy 2 in time for Christmas. We'll certainly keep an eye on this one as a dual-core processor and a better than Galaxy S screen certainly gets our attention.  |
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