Xolo B700 Benchmarks Xolo launched the Xolo B700 with a last month for Rs. 8,999. We brought you the unboxing of the device last week. Here are the benchmarks of the device. The Xolo B700 features 4.3-inch (960 x 540 pixels) 16M color IPS display with 256 ppi pixel density, powered by a 1 GHz dual-core Mediatek MT6577 processor with PowerVR SGX 531 GPU. It runs on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) similar to the Xolo A700 and A800. This has a humongous 3450 mAh battery that promises up to 23 hours talk time on 2G. Let's get into the benchmarks. Quadrant Benchmark The Xolo B700 is behind all the other phones in the Quadrant Benchmark, even though it is powered by a similar dual-core MediaTek chip. AnTuTu Benchmark v2.9 The B700 is right behind the Xolo A700 in the AnTuTu Benchmark 2.9 with 5537 points. AnTuTu Benchmark v3.2.2 In the AnTuTu Benchmark version 3.2.2, the Xolo B700 scores 6120 points. The Celkon A119 powered by a similar pro...